Saturday, March 7, 2009


I have a secret identity. I think some of you out there are maybe like ME; perhaps I'm not alone in this huge world. If only we could find each other and start our own little mini-series called SuperMoms.
It would seem that moms have super powers that are imperceptible to the unkowing eye/mind. Here's a list of just a few of my/our superpowers. (I can't give out all my secrets.)

x-ray vision - an awareness of what's going on in the next room even if the door is closed
rear vision - an ability to see things behind me
mind reading - knowing what the child or spouse will say/do before it happens
flash reflexes - ability to jump up out of a lawn chair with drink in one hand, books in lap, and one shoe on to rescue child on other side of room/yard who is about to put a penny in his mouth
miracle curer - an ability to apply a single tender kiss to an injury and heal it in seconds
amazing do-it-all - accomplishing multi task items all at the same time, all correctly, while carrying on a conversation with spouse and correcting a child who is jumping on couch
super strength - let us not forget that SuperMom seems to be the only one who can change the toilet paper roll when it's done!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

4x4 tag

Ok, so I was tagged by my dear friend Jayme to post my 4th picture from my 4th folder. Since mine are filed alphabetically Amber Crawford came up 4th. This is from a shoot we did last spring, I think, for her prayer cards. (Not my favorite one of her.)


These photos are from Magnuson's urban shoot we did the first week of Feb. I just never loaded them up. He was such a ham. All he really wanted to do was look at the doggies in the shop window near where we were shooting. It's tough being a model.

My baby

This Thursday my baby will no longer be the baby, Magnuson is turning 2! Watch out world!
He is such a fun little guy. His vocabulary and conversational skills are incredible. He is a big goof and laughs all the time. I love his little feet and baggie jeans; I love his giggle; I love the mole on his belly; I love how he says, "yes mommy".

He's been singing "Happy birthday to me, chacha" all day today cause we were out shopping for his party. It's a dog theme cause he LOVES dogs!
I will sure miss the little boy stage. But hopefully, he'll always be my cuddly Boo.

Grown up Furniture

For the first time in all our married years we finally have some grown-up furniture!
John bought me (us) a new couch for Valentine's Day!
Our former couches, while extremely comfortable, were completely falling apart. The kids loved them because we let them jump, climb, roll, etc.. all over them. They also used all the pillows to make forts. One of my neighbors said, "You're living room looks like a model home." How sweet!

This gorgeous armoire is something I had ALWAYS wanted to have but never was able to. My dear friend Emily gave it to us about a year ago. It's my favorite piece of furniture.

These incredibly soft chairs were from my friends Gina and Becca. Everytime I see them I think of those gals. We tried to get a couch that would match the wood on these chairs.

I LOVED the detailed scroll work on our couch. The kids actually cried when we cut up and threw away our old couches and cushions. BROTHER!!!!

The matching tables were from my friend Marybeth. It's so special to me to have beautiful things from so many of my friends. It makes my house feel warm and full of love. Everytime I see these pieces I remember my friends.